BLE 2079 (2023): Q.7 Reading: Unseen Passage II

Basic Level Examination 2079
Compulsory English

Budhanilkantha Municipality

Q7. Read the following passage and do the activities given. [10]

One day, a cheat met a saint and promptly fell on his feet and said, “Oh! Know all, I have realized that this life is an illusion, youth is fleeting and all familial ties are like a dream. Please show me the correct path that frees me from all worldly ties.” 

 Pleased with his humility Deva said, “Child, you are the blessed one who has thought of renouncing worldly pleasure. Listen, the person that chants “Om Namah Shivayah” and smears holy ash on his forehead, becomes Shiva himself, He knows no rebirth. I shall accept you as my portage, but you must not enter the hermitage at night because the company is forbidden for saints. After initiation, you have to live in the hut at the entrance of the monastery.”

Ashamvav promised the saint that he would consider every sign from him as a command and carry it out. Satisfied, the saint accepted the cheat as his disciple. Ashamvay too began making Deva happy by attending to his every need, but seeing that the saint never separated the money bag from him. Ashamvav thought, “The old man is very crafty and always keeps the bag with him. How can I snatch it from him? Shall I kill him?” As the cheat was at a loss to achieve his goal, a visitor came calling on the sage. The visitor invited Deva to come to his village and perform Bratabandh (the sacred thread-keeping ceremony) of his son. The saint accepted the invitation and set out for the village taking Ashamvav with him.

A. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the text. The words are highlighted. [4×0.5=2]a. ………… is the synonym of ‘instantly’.b. The meaning of the word ………… in the text is ‘quickly take/seize something in a rude way’.c. ‘…………’ gives the opposite meaning to ‘arrogance’.d. Opposite meaning of ‘leader’ is …………Show/Hide Answera. Promptly is the synonym of ‘instantly’.b. The meaning of the word snatch in the text is ‘quickly take/seize something in a rude way’.c. ‘Humility’ gives the opposite meaning to ‘arrogance’.d. Opposite meaning of ‘leader’ is follower.

B. Write these sentences in the order they appear in the text above. [4×0.5=2]a. Deva was invited to perform a ceremony in a village.b. The cheat requested the saint to show him the right path.c. The old man was very careful and always kept his bag with him.d. Ashamvav met a saint and fell on his feet.Show/Hide Answerd. Ashamvav met a saint and fell on his feet.b. The cheat requested the saint to show him the right path.c. The old man was very careful and always kept his bag with him.a. Deva was invited to perform a ceremony in a village.

C. Answer these questions. [3×2=6]a. What did the cheat view about his life?b. Can the cheat enter the hermitage at night? Why?c. Did the cheat really want to change his evil behavior? How can you say so?Show/Hide Answera. The cheat viewed his life as an illusion, realizing that youth is temporary and familial ties are like a dream.
b. No, the cheat cannot enter the hermitage at night because the company is forbidden for saints.
c. The cheat initially appeared sincere in his desire to change his evil behavior as he fell on the saint’s feet and requested guidance to free himself from worldly ties. However, his thoughts of snatching the money bag and considering killing the saint reveal his true intentions and lack of genuine transformation.

BLE 2079 (2023): Q.7 Reading: Unseen Passage
BLE 2079 (2023): Q.7 Reading: Unseen Passage


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